Skull in 1 projection
- 2 projections
- 3 projections
Facial bones in 1 projection
- More than 1 projection
Sinus 1 projection image zygomatic arches
- More than 1 projection
Orbits in 2 projections (injury)
Turkish saddle (each projection)
- More than 2 projections (foreign body)
Floor of the mouth
Optic channels
Ears met. Schuller
- Met. stenversa
Temporomandibular joints
Cervical spine in two projections
Thoracic spine in two projections
Back episodes. lumbosacral in 2 projections
Back episodes. lumbosacral in 3 projections
Entire spine in two projections - Children from 14 and adults
Entire spine upright in 2 projections - children up to 14 years
The entire spine in standing in one projection - children up to 14 years.
Atlas and rotary
Functional spine
Chest X-ray in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Sternoclavicular joint collarbones
Ribs in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Spatula in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Shoulder joint in 1 projection
- 2 projections
- (comparative) shoulder joints in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Pelvic bone in 1 projection
Sacroiliac joints in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Hip in 1 projection
- 2 projections
- (comparative) hips in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Thigh bones 1 projection
- 2 projections
Knee in 1 projection 2 projections
Patella in 2 projections
- 2 projections
- (comparative) knee in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Shin bone in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Ankle / foot in 1 projection
- 2 projections
- Comparative images feet
Calcaneus in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Humeral in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Elbow in 1 projection
- 2 projections
- (comparative) elbows in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Forearm in 1 projection
- 2 projections
Wrist \ hand-in-1 projection
(comparative) hands.
- 2 projections
- 3 projections
Fingers 1 projection
- 2 projections
The study selected dual energy of the body - allow you to visualize changes that make it difficult to conventional radiographs, which allows for a more accurate diagnosis.
for each test from the above list should be added the extra paid
Research Specialist:
X-ray examination of the esophagus -w price survey contained contrast
X-ray examination of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum in the price of the study included the contrast
Enema - at a price survey included a set of one-time
Urography-in price survey contained contrast
Urography with non-ionic contrast - children, people who are allergic
Voiding cystourethrogram
Hsg -Histerosalpingography
Each price does not include the fee for the translation of medical records.